eBay age verification solutions

All you need to do is log in using your eBay business seller credentials.
eBay Compatible App.
Our eBay compatible app gives you and your customers complete confidence.
Seamless eBay Integration.
Our app seamlessly integrates with your eBay seller account, updating your customers' verification statuses using eBay order notes.
eBay Age Verification.
Our app is the most efficient way for eBay businesses to age verify customers. You'll be up and running in minutes, so you can get back to doing what you do best - selling!
Government and eBay Policy.
Our solution takes the pain out of complying with policies.
On 1 October 2015 it became illegal for adults to buy (or try to buy) tobacco products or e-cigarettes for someone under 18.
It is the responsibility of retailers to ensure they do not sell age-restricted products online to people who are under the minimum legal age.
Verified In Less Than a Minute.
VerifyMyAge is built with your customers in mind. We've made it super easy to age verify.
Order Details.
By capturing information from your orders, our systems can identify your customers' age seamlessly. Verification Methods.
Verification Methods.
If we cannot ascertain age using order details, your customers will be given a choice of several age assurance methods for maximum convenience.
Instant Decision.
Your customers will be verified instantly and your eBay orders can be shipped as normal.